Bookmarks, Links & Highlights

Passages I've highlighted from articles across the web. They are captured using Shortcuts, stored in a Notion database and automated into Webflow using Make.

Martin Jungfer
June 9, 2024
“Micro-Drip system from Gardena”
June 9, 2024
Jeremiah Lee
April 5, 2024
Mere Civilian
April 4, 2024
Brett & Kate McKay
March 28, 2024
“Seen from the outside, housework can look like a Sisyphean task that gives you no sense of reward or completion. Yet housekeeping actually offers more opportunities for savoring achievement than almost any other work I can think of. Each of its regular routines brings satisfaction when it is completed. These routines echo the rhythm of life, and the housekeeping rhythm is the rhythm of the body. You get satisfaction not only from a sense of order, cleanliness, freshness, peace and plenty restored, but from the knowledge that you yourself and those you care about are going to enjoy these benefits.”
March 27, 2024
Linked By Federico Viticci
March 26, 2024
by Devon Dundee
March 21, 2024
Adam Nowak
March 15, 2024
by Brandon McMullen
March 15, 2024
Mere Civilian
March 2, 2024
“I am a married man and I share this bedroom with my wife. This means, she controls what goes in the bedroom and what does not”
February 29, 2024
“will admit, sometimes I am a little restrained in letting my weirdness creep out, because like everyone else I think to myself, "What if people don't like this? _What if people don't like me?_" But what is the alternative? Make a fancy blog, that looks perfect and discusses things I'm not truly passionate about? To create a facade that I am someone that I'm not. How is that any different than social media?”
Lynn Fisher
February 24, 2024
“Location-based pay feels like bullshit”
February 23, 2024
“Yesterday it [happened again](/its-hard-to-enjoy-things-when-you-compare-yourself-with-others/) that I was reading stuff from other people and got demotivated. But then I reminded myself that while I enjoy writing for others, and enjoy the idea of fame and whathaveyou, that is not my goal. I don't want that to be my goal; I refuse for it to be. My goal is just that of doing something I enjoy.”
Rob Knight
February 21, 2024
“Wait around needlessly while everyone involved in the process ignores you for days on end and eventually gets everything signed off”
Rob Knight
February 18, 2024
February 13, 2024
“Let me tell you something: I love my iPad Pro. It’s a fantastic tool for reading, research, and even writing. But here’s the deal: the lack of a decent clipboard manager makes me want to tear my fucking hair out.”
February 13, 2024
“Try using the free [Kill the Newsletter]( service I linked above with a newsletter on [Substack]( It won’t work because Substack has flagged their domain as something they won’t accept.”
Marie Poulin
February 11, 2024
“Begin by manually executing tasks to understand the full scope and details of what needs to be done. This hands-on approach helps identify the most time-consuming and repetitive tasks that are ripe for automation.”
By John Voorhees
February 9, 2024
David Sparks
February 9, 2024
“My brain is already figuring out that _Yosemite Valley equals writing_.”
Shawn Hickman
February 8, 2024
February 7, 2024
“Our goal is not for Dev Mode to silo developers once a designer’s work is done—but to engage the broader team in the product development process, with annotations being a first, crucial step.”
Brett & Kate McKay
February 7, 2024
“In our lives, we want to get things done. We want to take action. But action doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Just like a wheel, action requires traction. ”
Kevin Wammer
February 6, 2024
“There are three ways I get information (not taking into account when I want to look something up): I check my RSS feeds several times per day, I read a few newsletters I signed up for, and for the remaining stuff ([hard news](, someone will undoubtedly tell me if it's important. ## ”
Dan Mall
February 4, 2024
“Those of you who have designed a personal website before know that you can design a personal website in a day and you can also design one that takes a few years to complete.”
Himels Tech
February 4, 2024
by Jordan Castro
February 4, 2024
“Thus lifting, which is commonly thought of as the activity of the egotistical and vain, is in reality the opposite—it is a _corrective _for those things.”
Jennifer Pattison Tuohy
February 2, 2024
February 2, 2024
“It’s become my most used device, effortlessly handling tasks I used to rely on my iPhone and even my MacBook for.”
Matthew Cassinelli
February 2, 2024
“With Shortcut Buttons, you can place as many shortcuts as you want, which will anchor-in-place in your spatial computing environment, making it easy to launch your shortcut from anywhere, just by looking at it.”
Dave Anderson
January 29, 2024
“Functional skills can be taught. Coursework, books, and experience are great at filling in knowledge gaps. It’s significantly harder to teach a person not to be offended when someone says their code needs better documentation or their project plan doesn’t cover important milestones. I haven’t seen a ton of success in teaching people empathy.”
Nicolas Magand
January 28, 2024
“This avalanche of daily new stuff to discover is incredibly satisfying, entertaining, and I am eager to wake up every morning with the idea of having new things to discover and enjoy on the web. I _almost_ dislike Sundays for this reason, as it’s by far the quietest day of the week.”
Dave Rupert
January 28, 2024
“`:focus-visible` pseudo-state is that it allows me to create bigger, bolder, and more obvious focus states for my keyboard users than I normally would with a `:focus` pseudo-state that might flash or linger on a click.”
January 25, 2024
“Inside of Things, I had house projects that are nowhere near ready to be worked on, and to be honest, they’re more of aspirations at this point. Those don’t need to be inside of Things anymore, just taking up space for what’s actually actionable.”
Stay Sassy
January 25, 2024
“Imprecise asks from managers and leaders cause a disproportionate amount of turmoil and wheel-spinning.”
Robb Knight
January 23, 2024
Maggie Appleton
January 19, 2024
“So I don't want to add them as real events. Because they are not real events. They are speculative possibilities of events. The majority of them won't be filled, and having both speculative and real events looking and behaving like the same type of thing is messy and confusing. I can't glance at my calendar to get a quick read on how busy my day or week is.”
Dave Rupert
January 15, 2024
“I’m not a collector, I’m a serial project starter.”
Federico Vittici
January 13, 2024
The Journal app is also the reason why I’m using the Podcasts app again. The app doesn’t have smart speed/trim silence audio effects, which is unfortunate, but the ability to log what I’ve listened to and save a few thoughts about an episode in the Journal app is just too good.
I’ve been experimenting as well with the native podcast app for the same reasons as Federico but also for the new integration in the Tesla. So far so good, but I’m also confused by their up next and the podcast episode detail screens.
January 13, 2024
Give RSS a shot.
Blake Watson
January 12, 2024
With the proliferation of touch-based scrolling, the role of the scrollbar in modern interfaces has changed. Some might say it has _evolved_, but I think of it as _neglect_.
Jon Ratcliffe
January 9, 2024
Anton Zaides
January 8, 2024
Some days, and weeks, are damn hard.
Ondrej Sevcik
January 7, 2024
The feed is surely interesting, but also infinite. I can never read it all. I need to learn how to do nothing again.
Anton Zaides
January 7, 2024
Stefanz Weifel
January 5, 2024
The goal is to have an empty _Today_ list and then look at the _Anytime_ list and pick tasks that I should work on.
Christopher Butler
January 4, 2024
For most of my life, order has been something of an obsession. Everywhere I look, I see chaos and entropy creeping in. I see a new surface and anticipate wear and tear. I see a functioning system and look for where it will break.
Toni Lampela
January 2, 2024
But after six year of service I think it is time retire this iPad. And I’m _so_ ready for the (rumored) 2024 redesign of iPad Pro.
Matt Yeo
January 1, 2024
Here’s the biggie for next year, with 2024 not only celebrating the 25th anniversary of Episode I, but also marking nearly three decades of LEGO [Star Wars](
Lee Reamsnyder
December 30, 2023
For a year or so I’ve been using a “Photo Shuffle” lock screen on my iPhone.
Sara Soueidan
December 30, 2023
We have a tendency to always make an assumption about how our readers are reading our content—probably in the browser, with our fancy styles applied to it. But if we make a habit out of thinking about the Web in layers and CSS as an enhancement on top of the content layer, then we can start optimizing and enhancing our users’ reading experiences regardless of their context.
Antonio G. Di Benedetto
December 28, 2023
I’m cool with nerdy niches and single-use devices when they’re good, and overall I’ve enjoyed the Portal despite its numerous flaws.
December 27, 2023
Matt Stein
December 24, 2023
Things is another beautifully-designed app I’ve had an on-and-off relationship with over many years, because I would always end up curating tasks I wouldn’t get to and carry needless existential weight.
December 23, 2023
Sean Hollister
December 23, 2023
In addition to production, packing, packaging, and marketing, Lego has a host of teams that work directly with designers, including a function testing department, a safety department, an engineering department, and a textile department. There’s even a dedicated “building instructions” department and a “model quality” team, each of which sits with designers and watches them build.
December 18, 2023
December 15, 2023
Kevin Wammer
December 14, 2023
this blog post is rather what a perfect workday would look like. Then again, if I manage to have such a day, I believe every day could be a workday as the whole work/life balance is deeply ingrained in it. I also think that I never really want to retire, either.
December 14, 2023
At some point I started to realize that, if I really challenged myself, I didn’t have to do some of the things I believed I had to in order to win at life
December 12, 2023
Dan Mall
December 12, 2023
A manageable amount of teams for us to work with simultaneously need the same component within the same timeframe.
By Federico Viticci
December 11, 2023
I can’t stand analog clocks, especially on computers, because I can’t read them as quickly as digital ones. We have computers that can show us real-time numbers; why should I waste time with a replica of an analog watch face to tell what time it is?
by Brandon McMullen
December 9, 2023
I love finding communities for new devices I purchase to get tips, tricks, complaints, and general thoughts from others
Matt Donahue
December 8, 2023
Kevin Wammer
December 8, 2023
by Devon Dundee
December 7, 2023
The funny thing about a habit tracker, though, is that its purpose is to eventually make itself obsolete. By nature, habits are _habitual,_ meaning we don’t need external forces to keep them going.
Sebastian Matos
December 6, 2023
Mark Anthony
December 5, 2023
_Remember:_ you are building something that users are forced to use. This is different than building something that users want to use.
December 3, 2023
I'm always in search of the best possible charging solution for all my travel needs.
John Vorhees
December 2, 2023
Also, on the iPad, I wish I could resize widgets like I can on the Mac. I often resize widgets on my Mac’s desktop to use space more efficiently.
November 30, 2023
I find myself constantly switching between different apps, services, and devices. What the fuck is up with me? Why can’t I just settle on what works best for me and stop this endless cycle of app flip-flopping?
Manuel Moreale
November 25, 2023
your blogging tech stack should not be smart. That’s the most painful thing I’ve learned over the years. We need to take out all the complex build tools and fragile parts that slow us down and prevent us from doing the writing. It doesn’t matter if you’re using the coolest new tech thing, what matters is this: how fast can you write and publish something?
Allison Johnson
November 18, 2023
I don’t want to savor my trip to the DMV, I want to zone out and play Wordle on my little pocket computer as I will time to pass faster.
Brett & Kate McKay
November 16, 2023
For Mentzer, progressive overload is how you know if the program is working. If you can add reps to a set before you hit failure or add weight each workout, the adaptations in your muscles that will help drive hypertrophy are occurring.
November 15, 2023
November 14, 2023
The PlayStation Portal is the best PlayStation 5 Remote Play solution available.
Ben Kuhn
November 8, 2023

The first thing I noticed about being a manager was that I wasn’t sure whether anything I was doing was useful.

David Hoang
November 8, 2023
Don't spend all your time career planning, but have an idea of what makes sense for you. Like all the good things in life, they happen organically when you’re not trying too hard to make it happen.
José Muñoz
November 7, 2023
Nicolas Magand
November 7, 2023
My blog feels a lot like this compared to social media: very few people visit, but people who do have a better perception of me and my thoughts than people I talk to for ten minutes in a noisy bar.
Devon Dundee
November 7, 2023
Imagine you are at the end of your life and you are granted the ability to repeat one day. Which period of your life do you choose to repeat?
Elliot Dahl
September 8, 2023
Brett & Kate McKay
August 24, 2023
Third Space — that interval where you shift from your current physical/mental space to your next physical/mental space — you can create more calm in your life and feel more fulfilled and engaged in all of its facets.
Stephan Ango
July 29, 2023
Procrastination is the state of waiting for motivation to come. Paradoxically, the most reliable way to create motivation is to start doing the thing. Actions precede feelings. If you want to feel a certain way, create the environment that allows you to nibble your way there. Don’t hope that inspiration will come. Take a small bite. Action precedes inspiration, not the other way around.
Brett & Kate McKay
July 20, 2023
_Kaizen_ is a Japanese term that means “continuous improvement.” It’s the idea of making small, incremental changes over time to improve your life and achieve your goals.
June 30, 2023
Mike Critter
June 30, 2023

That one little belonging cue shows that you aren’t an idiot, that someone else laughed or agreed or whatever it is. A single ❤️ or 👌 can turn a moment of imposter syndrome into a moment of safety.